Sunday, June 28, 2020

Hey Goldie! Ten Fun Facts About Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels

                                                       Image from

This past week has been chock full of Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels for me, starting with just a few sightings and ending with a new Goldie whom Kate and I named Cam! So today I decided to share a few fun facts about Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel: 

1. Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels are solitary animals, usually only coming together to mate.
2. They are mostly diurnal. (Active during the day.)
3. They spend the winter in a hibernation state called 'torpor'.
4. Females hibernate for 2-3 weeks more then males. Males will fight for territories right after coming out of hibernation, and females will usually mate with whoever's territory she wakes up in.
5.The gestation period lasts for 26-33 days.
6. Females have 1-2 litters per year.
7. Kits leave the burrow when they are 25% of the adult size.
8. They clean their fur by rolling around in the dust.
9. They will cache extra food in their burrows.
10. Luckily, they are classified as Least Concern! (LC)


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Rabbits Everywhere

Rabbits Everywhere!

          In the city of Westminster, you can find Rabbits almost everywhere. Here are some pictures of Rabbits in my neighborhood and backyard:

- Kate

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Colorado's Wildflowers

Rocky Mountian vs City Wildflowers

          Colorado has a very diverse range of beautiful wildflowers. Down in the city wildflowers are not found as easily as in the wildflower-filled Rocky Mountains. A few common flowers include the Rocky Mountian Cinquefoil, the Yellow Pea, the Western Wallflower, and many more. These are all beautiful flowers but grow in a very different environment than the Common Dandelion or the Field Bindweed. Here are 3 of the flowers I just mentioned, and a short description to go with each one:

Rocky Mountian Cinquefoil

          The Rocky Mountian Cinquefoil is a beautiful and unique flower for many reasons, one being that when all the larger petals are taken off all that is left is a star. This wildflower grows mostly in meadows, plains, and slopes. It is fairly small, and hairy. 

Field Bindweed

          The Field Bindweed is usually counted as a weed or pest. They are small flowers, sometimes with a hint of pink around the edges. They cover large areas and can live almost anywhere. They are usually found in open fields and are pretty common in the city.

Western Wallflower

          This pretty wildflower is usually found in the Rocky Mountains. It grows in clusters and the flowers can range from yellow to orange, though to find one with orange coloring is pretty rare. 

- Kate

Found a Northern Flicker Nest!

A few days ago, I went to a friend's house and discovered the nest of an active Northern Flicker! I got to see the little hatchlings, who were very cute - and also hungry! I left them alone so the parent would come to feed them and only a little while later got to see the parent poking it's head in the hole to feed the hungry little chicks. Today I went there again and was able to get some pictures:
The nest from the outside

 Pics of the chicks


Monday, June 15, 2020

What Makes a Habitat a Habitat?

What Makes a Habitat a Habitat?

    What is a habitat? A habitat is a place where a living being makes it's home. All living beings, including both animals and humans need four things: food, water, shelter, and space. Any place has to have all four of these things to be a habitat. Today we are going to look at those four things that make a place a habitat.

All living beings need food to survive. For instance, think about Cottontail Rabbits. Rabbits eat grass and wildflowers, including dandelions. Would a Cottontail rabbit be able to survive in Antarctica or the Pacific ocean? Nope. Neither place has the right food for a rabbit to survive, and therefore would be an ideal habitat. Humans need food to survive too. What is your favorite food?

Just like all living things need food to survive, they also need water. Many animals who live in areas with out actual bodies of water have special characteristics the help them get the water they need. Some animals absorb their moister our of the plants they eat. Others drink dew or collected rainwater. A few animals are able to survive without water for a very long time, such as camels. Humans need to drink water everyday. Do you use a reusable bottle or a single-use one?

Shelter is another thing that is essential to their - and our - survival. Different animals have different types of shelters. Lizards live under rocks. Moles live in burrows underground. Bears live in dens. Other animals, like birds, don't live in one specific place the entire time unless they have babies. Shelters keep them safe from the elements: rain, snow, wind, hot, cold, and so on. Humans also live in shelters. What kind of house do you live in?

The final thing that makes a habitat a habitat is space. all animals, as well as humans, need space. Many animals, such as eagles and lions, are very territorial. Animals also need space so their is enough to eat. Do you sometimes want to be alone? 

Today, look at the wildlife around you. What is that bird eating? Where do you think that squirrel lives? How does that rabbit get water? Ask lots of questions, make observations, and have fun! And, of course, remember to post your comments, questions, and observations in the comments below!


By Lili and Kate

Welcome to our new blog everyone! This blog is about the wildlife, plants, and other nature-related topics here in Colorado. We are going to be writing about and taking pictures of two different environments: Lili lives in the evergreen forest of the Rocky Mountains, while Kate lives in a scrub land-type yard of Westminster. We will share informative articles and photos with you, as well as our day-to-day adventures in nature. We will start out with at least two articles a week and might also add photos. We hope you will enjoy and look forward to informing others about nature for years to come.

-Lili and Kate 

Fall Photos

Fall is a beautiful time of year! The leaves change from green to beautiful shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple. A perfect chance for ...