Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Weekly Nature Challenge #4..... And Cool Wildlife Sightings!

Happy fall y'all! I hope you are having a great fall so far. I sure am! I mean, all those migrating birds you guys - so many new ones to identify... I thought I might tell about two cool wildlife sightings I saw. (I won't be posting the pics until I my phone gets full though.) Drumroll please..... A fox and a moose - all in the same day!!! Believe it or not, this actually only the second time I've seen one, despite the fact that I live in Colorado. This one was a big male, and we saw him in the neighbor's yard right across the fence. I was really impressed by his size! We see quite a few foxes, although it was still a cool sighting. Wildflowers the deer and her shyer twin, Columbine, who by now has lost her spots and some of her shyness, are doing well. The bold twin, Daisy.... not so much. Unfortunately, she disappeared. Part of being a deer is that their are always lots of predators. At least someone got a good meal.... Anyway, onto the Nature Challenge!

Weekly (kind of..... not really) Nature Challenge #4
Daily Wildlife List!
I tried recording wildlife for a week....oof. Daily works much better, plus, you can skip a day if you want. A young naturalist I know very well (let's call him Vin) keeps a Wildlife Observation Notebook, and he is probably a LOT better at writing in it every day then I am. Here is page out of it: 

Day 27 Sep. 2020
 Nuthatch, chickadee, squirrel. (Sketches of a nuthatch chickadee, and squirrel.) 

Chickadees are often in bird parties. (Note, Vin and I call it a bird party when multiple species of birds stay flock together in the same area for a short to medium amount of time)

Nuthatches often hack away at trees.

Great, right? He is only seven, so I was impressed. Anyway, I hope that inspires you and gives you some ideas, so until next time everyone! Happy wildlife watching!


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A Government Lab is Killing Cats. Let's SHUT IT DOWN!

I know that this is not really about wild animals, but it's about animals, so I am sharing it. I didn't know that something this horrible could even be happening, and I am glad I found out! I found it on the channel of Kitten Lady, (which, by the way I highly recommend) and I immediately filled in the form! Please, please, please fill in the form. You don't have to donate, but if you can, that would be great. Its shameful that things like that are happening here in the US, and this should be stopped immediately!
Animal lovers, if you care about cats, please act now!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Weekly Nature Challenge #3 and Some Photos!

 Hi (again) everyone! Here's the second post. First of all....

Weekly Nature Challenge #3: Daily Pics

For this Weekly Nature Challenge, I want you to try to take a picture of nature every day, whether you keep this up for a week or five years doesn't matter. Neither does it matter what the picture is about, as long as its of nature. From a beautiful sunset, to a a cool bug, to a pretty bird, everything nature is go. Have fun, and be sure to share your favorite pictures with me in the comments!

                                            Prairie Dogs
                                                 Canada Geese

                                                              Aspen Tree
                                       Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel from my wildlife cam


Three Fun Activities for Naturalists Both Young and Old

 Hi everyone! As I haven't written in a while, I am going to publish two posts. This one is about three fun activities for naturalists: both young and old, professional and unprofessional. They are all tried and true by me, so I hope you will something to suit you.


I love, love, love this app! It's free at the App Store, and has something for everyone. Basically, it's a community science base, with tons of projects. My personal favorite are a group of projects titled Snapshot Safari where users are asked to identify images from a ton of different parks and reserves in Africa, in two different workflows. In the first workflow, users are simply asked to say whether or not their are any animals in the image. In the second workflow, users identify the animal/s in the image. After a certain amount of people have identified an animal as the same thing, the image is saved somewhere and the data used for scientific research. Its an awesome app - fun educational, and, plus, it helps science!

Window Wildlife

Pretty simple. I love this activity, because even people living in an apartment with no park near bye can do it. Basically just sit at your window and watch any wildlife you see - from the Mourning Doves on the wires, too the deer in the forest, to the fly buzzing around on you windowsill. Of course, you can always increase your chances of seeing wildlife. A bird seed, suet, or hummingbird feeder hung outside your window can attract lots of birds. A window box with flowers and possibly even some vegetables can attract lots of cool insects, like bees or butterflies. If you have Monarchs, you could even plant some milkweed to help them during their annual migration!


Wildearth is actually kind of like a TV show. Long story short, it's a live safari that streams form seven until ten in the morning every day on Youtube. It usually had about three to five different "guides", all from different parks and reserves in Africa. You get to see a lot of cool animals, and you can even ask questions in the Live Chat Box! I love watching this, although I rarely watch it all three hours long!

Okay everyone, I hope you learned something from that, and have a nice rest of your week! Watch for wildlife!


Fall Photos

Fall is a beautiful time of year! The leaves change from green to beautiful shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple. A perfect chance for ...