Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Weekly Nature Challenge and Update

 Hi everyone! As you have most likely noticed, both Kate and I have not been writing much lately. This is because of the start of school. Since school will be (and already is) taking up a lot of our time, we will only be able to write every two weeks, instead of every week, though I will try to still post a Weekly Nature Challenge. Speaking of this, here is this week's Weekly Nature Challenge:

Help the Migrating Birds

While we are starting school, the birds are starting the fall migration. This means lots of cool birds will be passing through on their way on migration! I have already been fortunate enough to see a passing Loggerhead Shrike, a first-time-sighting for me. One way you can help migrating birds is too put out food and water, especially water, what with the big fire and everything being so dry. A simple bowl of water on a stump or wooden post would do the trick. Food can be anything from an elaborate bird feeder to some sunflower seeds sprinkled on your front porch. You can also help by making your windows more visible. In other words, make sure the birds can see not to bang in to your windows, or fight with their reflections. You can put up hawk silhouettes or pictures if you want, but we just don't clean our windows as often, and we also have those little gel stickys. Last but not least, avoid using harmful pesticides. Not only do these kill bugs that can help your garden, but it also kills many birds when they eat the poisoned bugs. Have a good rest of your week, and keep an eye out for new birds! 


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Weekly Nature Challenge #1

Today is the first Weekly Nature Challenge: The Food Chain Game!

How You Play:
Find something from the bottom of the food chain - grass, trees, berries, ect. Then, find something that eats that thing, for instance, grasshoppers and aphids eat grass, golden mantled ground squirrels eat berries, and deer eat aspen leaves. Then, find the next animal - a mouse might eat a grasshopper, ladybugs love aphids, a coyote would like a golden mantled ground squirrel, and mountain lion prey on deer! (Not that I have ever seen a mountain lion!) However, it is not always possible (like here) to get to the top of the food chain, so if you can't, you can also see who gets the highest in the food chain by the end of the day. It's a fun game, and I hope you have a lot of fun!


Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Few More Things About Moab

A Few More Things About Moab
- Kate

A Nest in the Sun
While I was in Moab, I went to a place called Hole in the Rock. It was a lot of fun, but one thing I really liked was getting to see a bird's nest in the eye of a sun! Here are some pictures of the bird's nest:

A Weird Bug
While my family was at the colorado river, we saw this weird bug. It looked dead, and almost like a skeleton. Here are some pictures:

A Few Extra Pictures
Here are a few extra and random pictures that I took in Moab:

Fall Photos

Fall is a beautiful time of year! The leaves change from green to beautiful shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple. A perfect chance for ...