How They Look
Coyotes range from grey to light brown, resembling large, shaggy dogs. Their bodies are lean and muscular, because they have to be strong runners to catch food.
They have wedge shaped faces and large, pointed ears that help them to hear their prey. Their backs are usually grey to speckled black and they have big, bushy tails with black tips. Pups look like scrawny, mini adults, though their tails are not really bushy. They are smaller than wolves, although they are often known as prairie wolves or bush wolves.
What They Eat
Coyotes are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and vegetation, as well as opportunistic eaters, which means that they are not picky eaters. They will eat just about anything: rodents, carrion, fish, deer, even insects, among many other things. Sometimes they will even eat garbage! They enjoy a wide range of foods. Coyotes are mainly nocturnal - they usually hunt at night. They usually hunt alone, although they will often form packs in the fall and winter when food is hard to come by.
Where They Live
Coyotes can be found across North America, and their numbers are increasing due to their large ability to adapt. They were formerly found mainly in wild areas, like grasslands or deserts, but can now be found everywhere including urban environments. They can even be found in busy cities.
Other Facts
1. Coyotes have litters of 3-12 pups.
2. They can run up to 40 miles per hour
3. They are excellent swimmers
4. Coyotes mate for life
5. They can live up to 20 years in captivity.
Although many people dislike coyotes and think of them as pests, coyotes are actually just another animal trying to survive. I find coyotes very interesting because they can be found right in my backyard - literally - and in the city too. I think we should all strive to learn more about the animals around us.
Source of Information: Source of Photos:
National Geographic Urban Carnivores
American Expedition Youtube
Animal Sake Ninnescah Biology Field, Kansas
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